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About Us strives to become the #1 online comparison shop where buyers and sellers meet together in one place. This way, the sellers can showcase their products and the buyers can easily find and buy them at the best possible price in just a few clicks. Whether you are searching for electronics, home products or industrial supplies, pet food or even eyeglasses and medication, we're constantly working to bring the most reliable retailers in front of you...our audience, so you'll be able to find the products you are looking for, compare the pricing between different sellers and buy them at the best price. To make your shopping experience even more accurate, rating the sellers and reviewing the products or even discuss about them by asking questions and providing answers within our user community are also features available on Our goal is to offer you a platform that will provide the best possible service in a safe and user friendly environment, so we become your #1 place to go when it comes to finding the best deals when shopping online.

In Short, this is what's happening on
For Buyers   For Sellers

Powerful Search Engine

Use it to quickly search and find your desired products from millions of items available.

Exclusive Discounts

Offers & Sales that you
can find only on

Today's Most Trendy Products

Easy view directly on the home page where you can see the most viewed products daily.


Showcase your products to a large audience

Being on your products and sales offers are exposed to a large shopping community.

Coupons & Promotional Sales

Coupons, promo codes &
vouchers to get deals
at specific retailers.

Price Drop Alert

Set alerts for products you want to buy at a lower price and get email notifications when they go on sale.

Breaking News

Top deals that don't last long... show under the search engine bar at the top of every page.


Features soon to be released

Latest Shopping News

News about retailers such as new product announcements, short time sales or any other important stuff…
See them on the home page.

Today's Best Deal

At the top of the home page
you can check the most
discounted products
every day.

Price Comparison

Use it as a shopping list where you can set your favorite products and get e-mail alerts when they are on sale.


Price Monitoring

Products Review

Read or post your product reviews. No spam allowed… admin moderated.

Rate Sellers

Seller rating tool where you can share your buying experience..., please be honest… no spam allowed.

Questions & Answers

Ask questions about products you are interested in, or help others answering them.


Package Deals

Volume Sales

Much more to come...

To learn more about those features, please visit our FAQ Page Here is a division of Media Business Development Inc., dedicated to helping retailers, wholesalers and companies succeed by selling more products, as well as helping thousands of people every day to save money on their favorite products.