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Shimano Tiagra 50WLRSA / TDPS645080WTSIN Combo

Shimano Tiagra 50WLRSA / TDPS645080WTSIN Combo

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Whether you're working towards the next tournament or just fishing recreationally, the Tackle Direct Platinum Hook Standup Rod w/ Winthrop Tip / Shimano Tiagra Combos take the guesswork out of matching one of industry's finest big game reels with a high-performance rod, constructed of premium componentry and design. Both rod and reel have been designed and tested by some of the finest anglers around the world and are ready to perform. No longer will anglers be second guessing themselves or their tackle, instead they will be ready to conquer some of the hardest fighting gamefish around the world. Tackle Direct Platinum Hook Conventional Winthrop Tip Standup Rods: With a strong, durable, and highly function E-Glass blank at its core, the Tackle Direct Platinum Hook Conventional Winthrop Tip Standup Rods make for a serious choice to the angler in their next big game pursuit. The length of each rod is fitted with Fuji Si N Guides and a Winthrop Roller Tip, well suited for trolling with braid, monofilament, fluorocarbon and more. It is ideally paired with 30 " 50w sized reels, versatile in form for trolling, chunking, or even as a pitch rod for marlin. Features: E-Glass Blank Fuji Si N Guides with Winthrop Roller #2 Unitbutt (Select Models#2 Winthrop Terminator Adjust-Butt (Select Models)X-Wrap Handle Grips Shimano Tiagra A Two Speed Lever Drag Reels One of the most well-known and reputable big game reels on the market, the Shimano Tiagra A Two Speed Lever Drag Reels are a heavy-duty option with a solid aluminum frame to house its internals and withstand immense drag pressures. An innovative Hydrothermal drag system eliminates drag setting variances, keeping you more in control throughout long fights. Features: HAGANE Body Hydrothermal Drag Ratcheting Lever Drag Stainless Steel Gearing.

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