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Shimano Ocea Jigger LD Conventional Reel - OCEAJGLD2500HG

Shimano Ocea Jigger LD Conventional Reel - OCEAJGLD2500HG

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Shimano Ocea Jigger LD Conventional Reels - Expanding Efforts in the Modern-Day Jigging System With over two decades of history setting the bar on innovation and excellence for deep water jigging, the Shimano Ocea Jigger LD Conventional Reels continue upon the foundation that the Ocea Jigger name has set forth with a newly adopted lever drag design. The Ocea Jigger name has been characterized by its superb rigidity and durability obtained from the pursuit of rotation and falling performance, a more technique specific reel option that has redefined the jigging system. With the adoption of a lever drag, anglers can easily adjust their drag with the consistency they desire, only improved by the designs inherit ability to have a more stabilized performance with heavier drag loads. UNLEASH THE POWER OF TECHNOLOGY Shimano's Infinity Drive Technology enhances drag performance like never before. Experience up to 30% lighter rotation during intense battles and high-drag scenarios. Thanks to its innovative drag design, the Ocea Jigger LD delivers increased drag force while minimizing side-load pressure. Say goodbye to sluggish retrieves and hello to unstoppable power, all while maintaining a lightweight handle rotation. Improved Versatility Included with the Ocea Jigger LD, a secondary light-line cam is included that enables the angler to reduce the reels drag curve. For anglers fishing lighter leaders or mainline yet need the capacity and elevated platform this reel offers, anglers can quickly adjust for their needs. This is ideal for slow pitch techniques among other more "finesse" possibilities. Infinity Drive: Drastically reduces rotational torque, constructing a reel which can actively wind under heavy loads. S-Compact Body: Power, rigidity, durability results in a reel that feels one size smaller in your hand. The B-side sideplate is all one piece, contributing to both rigidity and in-the-hand palming comfort. The A-side sideplate has the handle, drag adjustment and c.

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