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OTI OTI-EGS62040M End Game Standup/Shimano SPM20II SpeedMaster II LD Combo

OTI OTI-EGS62040M End Game Standup/Shimano SPM20II SpeedMaster II LD Combo

Ocean Tackle International
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Product Description

Featuring the ultimate offshore standup trolling rod and a high-quality conventional reel built for big game fishing, the Ocean Tackle International End Game Standup/Shimano Speed Master II LD Combos provide anglers with a great tool to accomplish the day. The End Game Standup Rod from OTI utilizes a Toray Carbon blank at the core of its build, offering superior strength, sensitivity, and responsiveness. This blank is physically lightweight in form yet has the strength to haul in large fish and heavier lures without hesitation. A full run of Alps HXN guides run the length of the rod, moving lines efficiently and smoothly. For the angler's benefit, an X-Wrap foregrip offers a firm and comfortable grip even in wet conditions, while an Alps CAH Aluminum reel seat locks down your reel securely. A 10-inch slick rod butt comes in and out of rod holders extremely well for ease of use. This is finished off with an Alps aluminum gimbal at the end of the rod to ensure stable control both in the rod holder and in the fighting belt, for the extra reassurance. Paired to the OTI End Game, a Shimano Speed Master II Lever Drag Reel provides the performance and durability angler's demand. Its sleek and functional design is coupled with unrelenting power, with both Hagane gearing and a Hagane body to maintain rigid platform for the heaviest loads. Matching its framework and gearing, this reel boasts a cross carbon drag system to tame powerful and brisk runs, such as from tuna and billfish. A wide drag curve on its lever drag system makes for easy adjustments on the fly, keeping you always coming out on top. For the angler looking to get a truly reliable platform with outstanding performance, the Ocean Tackle International End Game Standup/Shimano Speed Master II LD Combos deliver in all aspects. Rod Features: Toray Carbon Rod Blank Alps HXN Guides X-Wrap Foregrip Alps CAH Aluminum Reel Seat Alps Aluminum Gimbal Slick Butt Reargrip Reel Features: Hagane Gearing Hagane Body S-Compact Bod.

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1 Offer Price Range: $575.98 - $639.98

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