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Daiwa Tatula CT Baitcasting Reel - TTUCT100HS

Daiwa Tatula CT Baitcasting Reel - TTUCT100HS

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By providing anglers of all skill levels with a wealth of performance for an exceptional value, the Daiwa Tatula CT Baitcasting Reels set the bar high for entry level baitcasters. The Tatula CT is an extremely versatile, well rounded casting reel perfect for the overwhelming majority of popular bass fishing techniques like soft plastics, jigs, crankbaits, chatterbaits, and much more. Compact and comfortably palmable, The Tatula CT weighs in at a mere 7.2 ounces and pairs well with just about any bass rod on the market. Boasting the same T-Wing System level-wind as the other higher priced reels in the Tatula family, the CT specializes in long, precision casting by reducing resistance on the line as the spool dispenses line off the reel. By eliminating the friction of the line passing through the line guide, the T-Wing system means longer casts with fewer backlashes. Daiwa's patented Magforce magnetic braking system makes braking adjustments easy with the use of an external dial, allowing you to adjust your braking on the fly to adapt to changes in lures or wind conditions. Features: Aluminum Body T-Wing System Level Wind Ultimate Tournament Drag90mm Swept Handle Soft Touch Handle Knobs Metallic Black Finish.

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1 Offer Price Range: $149.99 - $149.99

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