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Shimano TLD 30II / TackleDirect TDPSTSC662040SIC Billfish Combo

Shimano TLD 30II / TackleDirect TDPSTSC662040SIC Billfish Combo

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Whether you're working towards the next tournament or just fishing recreationally, the Tackle Direct Platinum Hook Tournament Billfish / Shimano TLD Combos take the guesswork out of matching one of industry's finest big game reels with a high-performance and technique specific rod. Both rod and reel have been designed and tested by some of the finest anglers around the world and are ready to perform. No longer will anglers be second guessing themselves or their tackle, instead they will be ready to conquer one of the most iconic and premier gamefish across the world. Tackle Direct Platinum Hook Tournament Billfish Rods: The durable E-Glass blanks utilized in these rods feature a softer, more parabolic action that leads to a higher percentage of quality hook sets and less pulled hooks when targeting sailfish with circle hooks. The heavy-duty Fuji SIC Guides are an ideal choice for lighter monofilament lines, ensuring smooth line dispersion. The unique handle configuration of a Winthrop Epic Butt and premium quality cork foregrip are comfortable to fish with and give the rod a one-of-a-kind styling. Features: E-Glass Blank Fuji SIC Guides Winthrop Epic Butt Premium Cork Foregrip Shimano TLD-2 Speed A Lever Drag Reels: The Shimano TLD-2 Speed A Lever Drag Reels are a heavy-duty option for the big game angling space. The reels lightweight form and effortless shifting resembles that of more expensive reels and is quickly adaptable to blue-water species such as a marlin and tuna. Its robust graphite frame and side plates are completely resistant to corrosion and rust, while perfectly suitable to serve as the framework for a a reel intended for heavy drag loads. Features: Graphite Frame and Side Plates Aluminum Spool Included Rod Clamp AR-B Bearing.

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1 Offer Price Range: $641.99 - $729.98

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