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Okuma Solterra SLX "B" Lever Drag Reel - SLX-30B

Okuma Solterra SLX "B" Lever Drag Reel - SLX-30B

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Built robustly, the Okuma Solterra SLX "B" Lever Drag Reels feature durable, corrosion resistant frame & side plates, stainless steel main gear, pinion gear, and shafts. Two thrust bearings were added to this reel, reducing handle turning force by over 50 percent. A ratcheting drag lever allows you to precisely make adjustments to the reels drag, which uses off a carbon washers for the smoothest performance. With a wide range of options, the Okuma Solterra SLX "B" series is built to tackle multiple fisheries and techniques, such as high speed jigging, big game trolling & bait fishing, and general purpose bottom fishing. Stainless steel main gear, pinion gears and shafts Single speed, two speed and high speed models Durable, corrosion resistant side plates Foraged aluminum spool with line counter rings Carbon drag system Double dog, silent anti-reverse on all models Ratcheting Drag Lever Stainless steel body armor on 20-50W models for reduced frame flex T-Bar handle on 50W-size Ergo Grip on 10-30 Sizes"CS" in model number denotes High speed open top frame"II" in model number denotes two speed lever drag"L" in model number denotes levelwind reels.

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