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Daiwa - BG2500 BG Saltwater Spinning Reel

Daiwa - BG2500 BG Saltwater Spinning Reel

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The Daiwa BG2500 BG Saltwater Spinning Reel is so smooth with digitally cut gears and seven ball bearings. Daiwa has redesigned this reel for 2016. This reels is powerful, yet priced just right. This reel is perfect for inshore fishing. Daiwa BG2500 BG Saltwater Spinning Reel Features:"Hard Bodyz" body and side cover Infinite Anti-Reverse system6BB+1Machined aluminum screw in handle Carbon ATDWaterproof drag system Digigear system Braided line ready spool Dynamic cut aluminum ABS spool Air rotor.

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1 Offer Price Range: $129.99 - $129.99

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