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Jigging World Apollo Star Drag Casting Reel - JW-AP200L

Jigging World Apollo Star Drag Casting Reel - JW-AP200L

Jigging World
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A compact round reel well suited for bottom fishing, the Jigging World Apollo Star Drag Casting Reels utilize a CNC machined aluminum frame for great strength and durability. A smooth and powerful carbon drag system delivers up to 33lbs of drag, keeping bottom dwellers such as fluke, seabass, tautog and more from returning home. Its thumb bar clutch engagement allows for quick adjustments on the fly of your bait or lure depth, perfect to follow the contours of the bottom or sending back to a striking or following fish. Its level wind helps to perfectly lay your line evenly along the length of your spool, while a carbon fiber reel arm and 45mm round knob not only looks good but remains seriously comfortable for all day use. For the angler looking for a lightweight, compact, smooth, and powerful option for Northeast bottom fishing and beyond, the Apollo Star Drag is a must have. CNC Machine Aluminum Frame & Spool Carbon Drag Level Wind Thumb Bar Clutch Engagement 45mm Round EVA Power Knob with Carbon Fiber Reel Arm 10+1 Ball Bearing System.

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