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Shimano Tiagra Fishing Reel - TI50WLRSA

Shimano Tiagra Fishing Reel - TI50WLRSA

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Shimano Tiagra TI50WLRSA Two Speed Lever Drag Reel - The Ultimate Big Game Reel Shimano Tiagra reels are considered the premier option for serious captains and anglers when it comes to big game fishing reels. Tiagra reels feature an innovative hydrothermal drag system that virtually eliminates the drag setting variances that affect most other big game reels on the market. Shimano combines technology with their years of expertise to deliver a reel that is truly superior that can be relied upon when targeting some of the largest fish in the ocean like blue and black marlin, bluefin tuna, yellowfin tuna, swordfish, wahoo, dolphin and more. The A series of Tiagra reels ranges from the 16A for small pelagic species all the way up to the 130A that was designed specifically for grander marlin and giant bluefin tuna. Shimano Tiagra A Features: Machined Aluminum Frame and Sideplates Cold Forged Aluminum Spool Ergonomic Power Handle (All Models Except 16A) A-RB (Anti-Rust Bearings) Heavy Duty Clicker Ratcheting Lever Drag System Chrome Plated Sideplate Screws Twin Pawl Anti-Reverse System Approved for use in Saltwater Rated for use w/ Monofilament, Fluorocarbon and Power Pro Braid Lines Made in Japan Gear Up for Success with Tackle Direct Upgrade your big game fishing tackle with the Shimano Tiagra A Series of Reels, the culmination of cutting-edge technologies and meticulous craftsmanship. Dive into the incredible world of angling with a reel that's built to excel out in the deep ocean, whether you're fishing for schoolie tuna or commercially targeting giant bluefin tuna and more.

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