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Penn Squall II Level Wind Conventional Reel - SQLII50LW

Penn Squall II Level Wind Conventional Reel - SQLII50LW

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Building upon the foundation set by the successful first generation, the Penn Squall II Level Wind Conventional Reels add key performance enhancing features for success in any fishery. New to the Squall II is Penn's Fast Gear Access Sideplate. The Fast Gear Access Sideplate makes self-servicing a more realistic option for many anglers, meaning less time being sent away for servicing and more time out on the water. Featuring a high-strength marine grade bronze alloy main gear and stainless steel pinion gear, the Squall II offers a smooth retrieve with enough winding power to winch even the toughest bottom dwellers up from the depths. The HT-100 carbon fiber drag system offers impressive fish stopping power even in the smaller sized reels, and will retain its power for many more seasons than traditional drag systems with felt washers. The lightweight yet rigid graphite frame and sideplate keeps the reel light and comfortable to fish, while remaining strong enough to withstand the rigors of heavy tackle applications. Features: Fast Gear Access Side Plate3+1 shielded stainless steel ball bearings HT-100 carbon fiber drag washers Lightweight graphite frame and sideplates Forged and machined aluminum spool High-strength marine grade bronze alloy main gear Stainless steel pinion gear Line Capacity Rings.

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1 Offer Price Range: $179.95 - $179.95

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