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Penn Squall II Star Drag Reel - SQLII15SDCS

Penn Squall II Star Drag Reel - SQLII15SDCS

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Penn Squall II Star Drag Reels are conventional reels made with lightweight graphite frame and sideplates. These reels cast like a dream with their revolutionary live spindle with free floating spool design by Penn. Angler friendly with Penn's fast gear access sideplate allowing for easy access. The Squall II Star Drag Reels by Penn are designed to handle everything from light duty offshore conditions to surf fishing. Versa-Drag system with HT-100 washers Stainless steel pinion gear High-strength marine grade bronze alloy main gear6+1 shielded stainless steel ball bearings system Graphite frame and sideplates, Fast Gear access side plate.

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1 Offer Price Range: $199.95 - $199.95

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