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Penn Clash II Spinning Reel - CLAII3000

Penn Clash II Spinning Reel - CLAII3000

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Penn Clash II Spinning Reels are technical spinning reels perfectly designed for anglers who prefer inshore fishing. Penn Clash II Spinning Reels offer machined gears and incorporate the Level-Line system which is designed to improve casting distance and eliminate wind knots. Penn Clash II Spinning Reel Features: Full metal body and side plate CNC gear technology system (AL/brass main, brass pinion)Leveline oscillation system to reduce wind knots Sealed HT-100 drag system utilizing wave spring design Hydrophobic line roller bearing Clutch Armor System to keep critical reel components protected no matter what the weather conditions Instant anti-reverse Aluminum reel spool Front drag8+1 stainless steel bearing system.

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1 Offer Price Range: $239.95 - $239.95

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