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Shimano Beastmaster Electric Combo - BM9000B / TDPS6105080WTSIC-UB2

Shimano Beastmaster Electric Combo - BM9000B / TDPS6105080WTSIC-UB2

Part Number
BM9000B / TDPS6105080WTSIC-UB2
Product Description

Time tested and proven in all aspects, the Tackle Direct TDPS6105080WTSIC-UB2 Platinum Hook / Shimano BM9000B Beastmaster Deep Drop Combo is ready for intense action for hard use to come. The pairing takes the guesswork out of matching one of the industry's finest electric reel options with a high-performance and technique specific rod, both designed and tested by some of the finest anglers around the world. No longer will anglers be second guessing themselves or their tackle, instead they will be ready to conquer the beasts that lie in the deepest and darkest portions of our oceans. Tackle Direct TDPS6105080WTSIC-UB2 Platinum Deep Drop Rod: The Tackle Direct TDPS6105080WTSIC-UB2 Platinum Hook Deep Drop Rod features a durable E-glass blank at its core, built to keep fish pinned and bring them up the surface with great ease. It's incredible blank strength is met with heavy duty Fuji Si C guides and a Winthrop roller, controlling line flow seamlessly for deep drops and extreme battles. An X-Floc foregrip enables great dexterity in hand, while resilient to the elements and easy to clean when the day is done. A #2 Long Curved Aftco Unibutt comes with compatible models but remains easy to exchange for other rod butts based off preference. Features: E-Glass Blank Fuji Si C Running Guides Winthrop ATM14 Roller Tip #2 Long Curved Aftco Unibutt X Wrap Grips Shimano BM9000B Beast Master Electric Reel: With the power and speed to effortlessly accomplish the tasks of the day, the Shimano Beast Master is the pinnacle choice for anglers in need of an electric reel. Its upgraded heavy-duty internals and robust motor design is met with great user functionality, enhancing the user experience to the fullest. Sitting at the heart of the reel is its brushless Giga-Max Motor, delivering high torque, speed, quiet operation, efficient power usage, along with countless other benefits. Anglers will appreciate the Thermo-Adjustable Drag Power built into the reel, a system which suppressed any abno.

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