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Penn Spinfisher VII Live Liner Spinning Combo - SSVII4500LL701M

Penn Spinfisher VII Live Liner Spinning Combo - SSVII4500LL701M

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Purpose built tools to make live bait fishing much easier, the Penn Spinfisher VII Live Liner Spinning Combos are an assembled package ready to take on your next trip out on the water. The Spinfisher name itself has served anglers for decades on the water with a commitment of performance, durability, and dependability. Each combo features a Spinfisher VII Live Liner reel, a reel much like a regular Spinfisher VII, however features an added rear secondary drag that aids anglers in presenting live and dead baits properly to their intended targets. This feature, also known as a abait runner option, deploys a much lighter drag with the bail closed, allowing fish to freely swim off with your bait without detecting that it is in the beginning process of being hooked. With a simple flip of its engagement lever or turn of the handle, this secondary drag is disengaged, putting the reel back to its primary front drag where the angler can then set the hook and fight the fish just as a normal spinning reel. This feature gives you the upper hand when targeting elusive species and just makes using bait a much easier option. Factory matched with a compatible graphite composite rod, anglers can grab and go. Each rod is outfitted with Penn Dura Guides and other quality components giving the angler a simple and effective solution to conquer the day. IPX5 Sealed Body and Spool Design CNC Gear Technology with Brass Main Gear HT-100 Carbon Fiber Drag Washers 5+1 Sealed Stainless Steel Ball Bearing System Full Metal Body Superline Ready Spool Live Liner Feature Penn Dura-Guide Guide-Train Graphite Composite Blank.

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