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Daiwa Prorex TW Baitcasting Reel - PRX400XH-P

Daiwa Prorex TW Baitcasting Reel - PRX400XH-P

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Well suited for the rigors of big baits and big fish, the Daiwa Prorex TW Baitcasting Reel is a heavy duty, high capacity musky catching machine. Built around a solid aluminum frame and sideplate, the Prorex TW has the strength to withstand long drawn out battles under heavy drag pressures with an impressive strength to weight ratio. Housed within its rigid frame is an oversized hardened brass Digigear for maximum durability, smoothness, and winding power. The Ultimate Tournament Drag system produces a staggering amount of drag pressure to put the brakes on the hardest pulling lake monsters that you'll encounter. It features Daiwa's patented T-Wing Level Wind System for uninhibited line flow while casting, helping you get your bait further away from the boat where the big predators are hiding. The combination of a Daiwa Prorex Musky Rod and a Prorex TW Baitcaster is an unbeatable weapon of choice against the biggest and baddest musky, pike, striper, and other monstrous species in both freshwater and saltwater. Features: Aluminum Frame and Sideplate43mm Aluminum Spool Hardened Brass Digigear T-Wing Levelwind System Magforce Braking System Ultimate Tournament Drag Adjustable 70/80mm Power Handle Audible Click Drag.

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1 Offer Price Range: $339.99 - $339.99

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