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Abu Garcia Zenon X Baitcasting Reel - ZENON X-SHS-L

Abu Garcia Zenon X Baitcasting Reel - ZENON X-SHS-L

Abu Garcia
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Developed to achieve the perfect balance of a lightweight, compact reel with heavy duty capabilities, the Abu Garcia Zenon X Casting Reels are a great all-purpose platform for lightweight finesse baits to heavy duty bass jigs. An X-2 Craftic aluminum alloy frame sits as the body of the reel, providing great strength for strong hooksets as well as a solid framework for all its internals to sit within, maximizing their lifespan and minimizing any loss of power transmission with every turn of the handle. A Titanium coated line guide and aircraft grade aluminum main gear with Infini II spool design work together to attain a truly friction free casting experience, backed with a Infini braking system to adjust and manage every cast. Its compact, bent handle with flat EVA knobs are comfortable to use all day, while a Carbon Matrix drag ensures the big ones can be tamed with a consistent and buttery smooth system. This 10-bearing reel meets and exceeds the demands and desires of the pros and weekend warrior enthusiasts alike, exuding the highest qualities with every handle turn, cast, and hook set. Make the most of your time on the water with the Zenon X Casting Reel. 9 Stainless Steel HPCR Bearings + 1 Roller Bearing X2-Craftic Alloy Frame Carbon Matrix Drag System Infini II Spool Design Infini Brake System Compact Bent Handle and Star Flat EVA Knobs Aircraft Grade Aluminum Main Gear Ti Coated Line Guide Recessed Reel Foot Lube Port.

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1 Offer Price Range: $349.95 - $349.95

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