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Abu Garcia Ambassadeur C4 Round Baitcasting Reel - C4-6600

Abu Garcia Ambassadeur C4 Round Baitcasting Reel - C4-6600

Abu Garcia
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The Abu Garcia Ambassadeur C4 Round Baitcasting Reels are made with silky smooth operation and power to spare. These reels by Abu Garcia are made with the trusted durability and engineering that generations of anglers have to come to expect from this brand of baitcasting reels. Features:4 stainless steel ball bearings + 1 roller bearing provides smooth operation Carbon Matrix drag system gives smooth drag performance Compact bent handle and star provide a more ergonomic design6 pin centrifugal brake gives consistent brake pressure throughout the cast Synchronized level wind system improves line lay and castability Duragear 2 gear system provides increased gear strength for all fishing situations Made in Sweden. ... Show More Show Less

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1 Offer Price Range: $179.95 - $179.95

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