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Seviin GS Series Spinning Reel - GSS750

Seviin GS Series Spinning Reel - GSS750

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With a physically lightweight yet tough carbon fiber infused polymer body, the Seviin GS Series Spinning Reels come in serval different sizes to match everything from light panfish and trout all the way to walleye, bass and more. Each reel utilizes a precision hobbed hard brass pinion with die-cast helical drive gear, delivering a smooth turning handle that is very pleasant to use all day and for seasons to come. An S-Curve design with slow oscillation system keeps line stacked evenly throughout every retrieve, resulting in longer follow-up casts and fewer line management issues even with the thinnest braid, fluorocarbon, or monofilament lines. Its multi-stack carbon fiber and stainless-steel drag system effortlessly engages for buttery smooth performance regardless or drag tension, perfectly subduing any headshake or erratic movement your catch makes. For serious performance, quality materials, and unique looks, the GS Series spinning reels deliver on all aspects to provide anglers a tool to accomplish the day. Lightweight Carbon Fiber / Polymer Body, Side Cover, and Rotor 6 + 1 Stainless Steel Bearing System Forged and Anodized Aluminum Spool with Braid Band Custom Designed Aluminum Handle with Soft-Touch Knob Multi-Stack Carbon Fiber / Stainless Steel Drag System Precision Hobbed Hard Brass Pinion and Die-Cast Helical Drive Gear Geared Slow S-Curve Oscillation System with Internal Support Guide. ... Show More Show Less

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1 Offer Price Range: $140.00 - $140.00

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