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Daiwa Fuego Spinning Reel - FEGLT5000D-C

Daiwa Fuego Spinning Reel - FEGLT5000D-C

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With a lightweight Zaion V carbon body that provides great durability and extreme corrosion resistance, the Daiwa 2023 Fuego Spinning Reels offer a great value for the angler looking to target both freshwater and inshore saltwater species. Zaion V is a super composite material that was developed by Daiwa to further improve their reels, retaining a low flex propriety similar to that of metal. Reducing flex ensures the internal mechanics of the reel work more efficiently with greater resistance to fatigue, improving the overall life of the reel. Daiwa implemented their low inertia Airdrive Rotor with this reel, reducing weight over its previous generation and creating a lighter, more effortless handle turn. A solid Airdrive Rotor cut even more weight compared to its previous generation, while also adjusting the angle of the bail to improve line movement to the roller. This ultimately ensures a more trouble-free design, ready for seasons of all day casting to come. With several key improvements, the Fuego is a great choice for anglers looking to put hard use in without breaking the bank. Features: Zaion V Body Airdrive Rotor Airdrive Bail (Solid) Magsealed Tough Digigear Machined Aluminum Screw in Handle ATD Drag.

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