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Daiwa Silvercast Spincast Reel - SC120B

Daiwa Silvercast Spincast Reel - SC120B

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Ideal for kids, novice anglers, or anyone who enjoys the ease-of-use that spincast reels offer, the Daiwa Silvercast Spincast Reels provide reliable performance at a great value. The Silvercast features a rugged aluminum construction and smooth ball-bearing drive. The oscillating spool provides precise winding for optimal line management, while the ultra-smooth multi-disk drag puts the odds in your favor while fighting big fish. A new soft-touch, dual-paddle rubber handle on all models provides a sure and comfortable grip while reeling. Features: Rugged metal body, gearing and nose cone Interchangeable right/left retrieve Oscillating levelwind spool Optimized line aperture for maximum casting Pre-wound with premium line Ultra-smooth, multi-disc drag.

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