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Penn Fathom II Lever Drag Reel - FTHII40NLDHS

Penn Fathom II Lever Drag Reel - FTHII40NLDHS

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The all-new Penn Fathom II Lever Drag reels take a class leading reel and raise the bar even more. New models, sizing, features and optimized billfish models round out the assortment to give a model for every application. Integrating the palm side plate and frame allows the Fathom II Lever Drag reels to be more compact in hand, reduce weight, and increase strength, while the Pull-to-Turn preset knobs allows the angler to truly set it, and forget it. All new cosmetics also bring eye appeal to these reels, and will truly match any rod or boat. Full Metal Body and Sideplate One piece frame and palm sideplate Removeable Top Spacer Bar and Lugs (60 an 80 sizes only)Stainless steel main and pinion gear Quick Shift II 2 Speed System Pull to Turn preset adjustment Dura Drag Washers5 Shielded stainless steel ball bearings Double-dog ratchet anti-reverse Line Capacity Rings.

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1 Offer Price Range: $279.95 - $279.95

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