LorAnn Oils Caramel Flavor
LorAnn Oils Caramel Flavor
A little goes a long way! LorAnn Flavors are three to four times the strength of alcohol-based flavorings or 'extracts.' This caramel flavor is NOT appropriate for use in chocolates and chocolate coatings. Citrus Blossom is a natural flavor with a delicate vanilla-citrus aroma and taste. Excellent as a flavor for hard candy and confections. Add a bit of Citrus Blossom to your cookies, sweet breads & cakes to add a hint of flavor reminiscent of your favorite Italian pastries. Star-K Kosher Certified Professional Quality for the Home Kitchen Family-owned and operated since 1962, LorAnn Oils has a history of supplying home crafters, professionals, retailers and manufacturers with quality flavorings, essential oils and fragrances. ... Show More Show Less