L'Kavod-Shabbos-Kodesh Knife Straight Round Edge Blade with Notched Handle
L'Kavod-Shabbos-Kodesh Knife Straight Round Edge Blade with Notched Handle
Looking for a gift to newlyweds, new homeowners or for you to upgrade your beautiful Shabbat table? You have got it!! Why? Because you will get a beautiful top quality razor sharp knife manufactured at one of the top quality manufactures in the world known as 'ICEL Cutlery'. They manufacture there knives with the performance you would like to get razor sharp easy to re-sharpen when needed. Combined with a beautiful sleek stainless steel handle that stays nice for life no polish needed and no rust. The handle has on the handle engraved Lkuvat Shabbos kodesh. Why do we need a sharp challah knife? As known by chazal, Jewish men should re-sharpen Friday afternoon, his knife that he will use for the challah at the Shabbos table because of shalom bais. That's why you have to have first a quality razor sharp knife then you can be sure you will have an easy time re-sharpening it. The knives handle and blade measures, 5-inch designed handle which have engraved lkuved Shabbat kodesh and an 12-Inch straight blade.end round ending, Get the best gift for you and friends, family the most beautiful Shabbat kodesh knife!! This quality Shabbat kodesh challah knife comes with a very nice gift packaging perfect for gift to Rabbis Zeidy's, new homeowners or for any upgrade Shabbat table. Like all high quality ICEL Knifes this Shabbat Kodesh knife is made from high quality carbon stainless steel. The stainless steel knife looks sleek & beautiful and at the same time very strong in quality and can be sharpened over and over. This knife is custom designed with a 5-inch designed handle and an 12-Inc Straight blade, which have engraved lkuved Shabbat kodesh. NSF approve. Made in EU, Hand sharpened to insure a long-lasting cutting power. Icel knives have a lifetime guarantee against faulty workmanship or defects in the material.
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$70.00 | $70.00 |
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