Holy Water Flask Prop
Holy Water Flask Prop
Weve been watching a lot of classic vampire movies lately, which brought us to this pretty alarming question. Why dont people carry more holy water on them? In traditional vampire lore, vampires are unable to withstand the pristine purity of blessed water, so isnt it just a good idea for people to be carrying around a flask of it at all times?Well, weve come up with perfect solution for those poor souls trapped in those vampire movies. Just use this holy water flask! The handy little container holds 6 oz. of fluid, so you can easily fit enough holy water inside of it to ward off any attacking Nosferatu in the area. It also has a picture of Jesus on the side, with Holy Water across the top! Clear labeling is quite important, since you want everyone to know that this flask is for vampire based emergencies only!Of course, you could just fill it adult beverages too, but we must warn you that most liquors dont do anything to ward of vampires.
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