Santa Boss Boy's OppoSuit
Santa Boss Boy's OppoSuit
Most first graders are asking for Tonka trucks and a video game console for Christmas, but not your sophisticated little squirt. Some items currently making an appearance on his wish list include A guide to New York's best burger, a year-longmembership to a sock subscription service and a genuine leather billfold. There's no denying that your little guy is a classy gent with refined taste so don't dress him in a cheesy ugly sweater for the annual Christmas card picture. Outfit him in an ensemble which puts his keen sense of style on full display while also emphasizing the most wonderful time of the year; outfit him in the Santa Boss suit from OppoSuit and your little gentleman will be dressed to impress.This high-class 3-piece suit comes with a coordinating jacket, pants, and necktie. The jacket is fully lined with a posh single pocket, flap faux-pockets, and a fun Christmas theme print. The matching pants fasten together via a button and hook closure and a zipper. Finally, a pre-tied necktie completes the suave look and yourlittleindependent man will love it because it easily clips onto any dress shirt.Not only will your son's million-watt smile steal the spotlight on this year's Christmas card (what else is new) but he'll love his dapper, yet merry, holiday-themed ensemble. Now just pick up those Gucci loafers he's been pining for and you'll be gifted with a very happy (and stylish) kiddo this Christmas.
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