DeluxeQueen Women's Wig | Costume Wigs
DeluxeQueen Women's Wig | Costume Wigs
An Iron FistWhen you want to rule a kingdom, you can do it in one of to ways: fairness and rule of law (boring!), or you can do it through fear and total control (much more fun...for you at least). And if youre anything like theQueen from Tim Burtons Through the Looking Glass, then we know which way you lean. The only trick is, you cant rule a kingdom without a good head of hair. Good thing for you we have this amazing Adult DeluxeQueen Wig ready to go for you!With this powerful style on your head, no one will dare question your authority. Youll be able to dictate law from your throne...and if anyone has the courage to resist, well, you know how this goes, right?Fun DetailsThis fantastic, heart-shaped wig is from Smiffys Fever Wig Collection, so you know its quality. The short, curly red hair calls attention to itself as a source of power. And the high quality mesh lining holds the wig firmly in place, especially as you parade around your kingdom!Fit For a QueenThis look, when paired with a great coordinated costume, is guaranteed to keep you in power for a long, long time. Just keep an eye out for that pesky White Queen who might try to unseat you from time to time.
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