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Sci Fi It Takes 2

Sci Fi It Takes 2

Oni Press
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Wax, aspiring DJ and sci-fu master-in-training, made it back safely from the alien robot planet of Discopia, where he defeated the Five Deadly Dangers and became the rightful king of Discopia. He doesn't want the crown, though. He just wants things to go back to normal. Wax and his crew thought the robot trouble was behind them, but strange style-biting creatures have been showing up in Brooklyn, and Wax is determined to take care of them once and for all. Little does he know, there's a new villain in Discopia, and she'll do anything to take the crown from Wax. Wax will need to kick his hip-hop and sci-fu training into high gear-and learn to rely on his family and friends for help-if he's going to have a shot at saving his neighborhood. From legendary cartoonist Yehudi Mercado comes the much-anticipated follow-up to his hit Sci-Fu: Kick It Off. With a second volume jam-packed with all kinds of hip-hop, sci-fi, and kung-fu goodness, Sci-Fu: It Takes 2 spins the perfect track of friends working together to protect their home. ... Show More Show Less

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