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Rogue State TPB Vol 01

Rogue State TPB Vol 01

Black Mask Studios Entertainment
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What if a contested Presidential election plunged America into turmoil? What if political violence consumed the streets? And what if a raging Supreme Court, in a strict interpretation of the 2nd Amendment, legitimized and deputized all militias, transforming the entire country into a paramilitary police state? What if a freedom fighter emerged from the chaos, raised a civilian army, and carved out a territory across the United States?... seizing back stolen land, pushing out police, militias, and National Guard... enforcing its own laws... Sovereign. What if Americans refused to be governed? This speculative-fiction comic book series tells the story of Vya Of Brightstars, a mysterious figure rising from the unrest, and Clara Cruz, a young professional who becomes activated in Vya's movement when her fiance Taylor Sanchez is disappeared as militias take over their Mission District neighborhood. But are Vya and Clara freedom fighters or terrorists? Either way, their rogue state will not just blaze a path across America, it will also inspire others to raise their own armies... some in solidarity, others in opposition.

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