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Subgenre HC

Subgenre HC

Dark Horse
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From the New York Times bestselling creators of BANG! comes a mind-bending, multi-dimensional murder mystery presented in a pulp magazine-sized format!A man is living two lives. He is a private detective in a dystopian cyberpunk future trying to solve a triple murder. But when he falls asleep--he wakes up as a wandering adventurer in a barbaric fantasy world where magic exists. Is he two separate people? Or is he a third person that has undergone a psychotic split? He jumps back and forth from sword-wielding barbarian to jaded private eye trying to solve the brutal crime. But the bigger question is, can he merge these realities without losing himself?Subgenre is the latest release from Flux House Books, a new boutique imprint that will feature the writing (and sometimes) art of acclaimed comics creator Matt Kindt, with crime, science fiction, horror, and humor stories, all told and presented in startling and untraditional ways.Collects Subgenre #1-#4. ... Show More Show Less

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