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Astrobots #1 (of 5) (Massive Excl Blueprint Black Variant) Lmt 300

Astrobots #1 (of 5) (Massive Excl Blueprint Black Variant) Lmt 300

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This variant cover by ASTROBOTS toy designer and series co-creator, Aaron Thomas, depicts the blueprint of lead robot, Apollo. It was offered in a special black and white variant as a SDCC exclusive is now available at retail for fans and collectors of Astrobots. Simon Furman, writer of the original Transformers comic series and creator of Marvel's Death's Head, has teamed up with Heavy Metal artist Hector Trunnec to create an all-new Mecha-Masterwork based on the toyline designed by Aaron Thomas. Pathfinders, Pioneersbreaking new ground in the furthest reaches of the galaxythey are - ASTROBOTS. The clock is ticking for planet Earth and the race is on to find a new world capable of sustaining human life. New, sophisticated machine lifeforms called Astrobots are dispatched to scout far-flung worlds in the hope of crafting a new home. With food and raw materials running out and climate disasters escalating, the evacuation of the entire human population is the only slender hope remaining. On Colony World 1, a catastrophic power struggle forges a new - all-Astrobot - society, and presiding over this nascent civilization is Atlas, an evolved mech with a futureproof plan. A plan that does not include humankind. 'Furman's writing is top-notch, creating a fantastic introduction to the world of Astrobots that would satisfy any Transformers fan. Trunnec's artwork is stunning, with a beautiful watercolor-like aesthetic that brings these robots to life.' -Nolan P. Smith, Pastrami Nation 'Transformers is nearly 40 years old now but Astrobots is entry-level, a proper starting-from-scratch epic in the making. There's so much more already in the pipeline I can't talk about yet, but trust me - it's got all the breadth and potential to be a proper rival to the robots in disguise in the fullness of time.' -Simon Furman.

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