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Power Rangers TPB Vol 06

Power Rangers TPB Vol 06

BOOM! Studios
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Driven by the grief of losing everything dear to him, Andros sought out a priceless artifact: the Gold Omega Morpher. Believing this morpher can revive his closest friend, Zhane, Andros soon discovers that he may have brought back something else along with him. Now the Power Rangers will face their most deadly foe yet: Death. How did the Gold Omega Ranger become the terrifying being known as The Death Ranger? What does Dark Specter intend to do with his very own Ranger, and does the past hold the key that will save the Power Rangers in the present? In the distant past, The Legendary Omega Rangers defended the universe from evil, using their elemental powers against sinister forces. But that all changed when one key member turned on the others, seduced by the death-defying powers of the Rangers' greatest foe. Power Rangers veteran writer Ryan Parrott (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers) joins writer Paul Allor (Past the Last Mountain) and artists Marco Renna (Rogue Sun) and Kath Lobo (Good Game, Well Played) as everything comes together in the highly-anticipated CHARGE TO 100! Collects Power Rangers #21-22 and Power Rangers Unlimited: The Death Ranger #1.

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