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Jacksons Wilder Adventures GN Vol 01

Jacksons Wilder Adventures GN Vol 01

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The first installment of chapter book graphic novel series, Jackson's Wilder Adventures, dynamic duo Irwin and Jackson make science fun and accessible through their adventures far and wide, from the subpolar Faroe islands to the tropical Yunque Rainforest and African savanna. Jackson Wilder and his imaginary friend Irwin the Thylacine are having a great day until Jackson is faced with his dad's cooking-Jackson isn't normally a picky eater, but he definitely does not want to eat his dad's mysterious leftover casserole. There's no telling what's in it, and all the foods are touching Gross! Not only that, his dad breaks the news that it's time for them to move to a smaller apartment. But Jackson doesn't want to move! If he was a wild animal, he could live wherever he wanted and eat whatever he wanted, and nobody would ever tell him otherwise. At least, that's what he thinks until Irwin takes him on an adventure to learn about the hardships wild animals face around the world-quite hairy situations to be sure!. ... Show More Show Less

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1 Offer Price Range: $6.39 - $7.99

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