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Ec Jack Davis Foul Play & Other Stories HC

Ec Jack Davis Foul Play & Other Stories HC

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The ultimate collection of Jack Davis EC stories! When Jack Davis took up his pen for EC Comics, he imbued his stories with a playful sense of (gallows) humor that made his innocent victims more eye-poppingly terrified, his ax-murders more gleefully gruesome, and his revenge-seeking corpses more morbidly motivated than any other EC artist. These horror and suspense tales - from the pages of Vault of Horror, Haunt of Fear, Crime SuspenStories, and Shock SuspenStories - include frightful fare such as 'Hyde and Go Shriek!', 'Tombs-Day!', 'Witch Witch's Witch!', 'Head-Room!', 'Chop Talk!', 'Coffin Spell!', and more, all leavened with the cackling, pun-laced wit of scripter Al Feldstein and illuminated as only the virtuoso brushwork of Jack Davis can present them. But the standout story is 'Foul Play,' the most infamous of all EC horror stories, in which a baseball team takes revenge on a murderous rival player by, um (spoiler alert), 'repurposing' various parts of his anatomy for one final blood-spattered, organ-scattered inning. You'll never see a baseball game the same way again. And as gruesome as it sounds (and is!), Davis deftly pulls it off with aplomb and a mordant sense of absurd humor that will have you cringing and laughing at the same time. Plus, not one, not two, but three Davis-driven adaptations of haunting short stories by Ray Bradbury: 'The Coffin!', 'Let's Play Poison!', and 'The Black Ferris!'. We round out this volume with all three of Davis's EC science-fiction adventures, and all five of his aerial war stories from the legendary EC title, Aces High. 40 stories in all, most scripted by EC legend Al Feldstein, plus in-depth commentary by EC experts Thommy Burns and Grant Geissman.

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