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Barnstormers #1 (Tula Lotay)

Barnstormers #1 (Tula Lotay)

Dark Horse
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A high-flying, WW1 adventure story that's an intimate portrait of love and war--and a meditation on the dangerous level of trust required in both romance and aviation.It's 1918--the early days of the barnstorming era, when pilots competed with each other by performing deadlier and more wondrous feats, as we've never seen it before. Pilot John Baron is back from the frontlines of the war, where he was injured. At eighteen-years-old, he's an adventurer who lives his life traveling from town to town in his plane, entertaining folks across the countrymost of whom have never seen a car, let alone a plane. His world changes when he meets Helen, a young woman who shares his passion for aviation and adventure. They become a traveling act, flying from town to town, delighting folks with their antics. Helen even becomes John's wing-walker, climbing out on the wing of the plane mid-flight to perform death-defying acrobatics. Along the way they bond, confessing their secrets, and begin a romance in this lush, character-driven series that explores the early days of aviation and the evolving relationship and romance between two young pilots.This Bonnie and Clyde romp brings together writer Scott Snyder (We Have Demons) and the breath-taking illustrations of Tula Lotay (Supreme: Blue Rose) -- her longest sequential work to date.

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