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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Mutant Nation #1 (Cover B - Federici)

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Mutant Nation #1 (Cover B - Federici)

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New ongoing series! Part 1 of the Raphael flashback adventure arc 'Attack on Area 51'! After the events of 'The Armageddon Game,' the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles found themselves at a crossroads, attempting to keep their family united while individually feeling the need to break away and explore life in a world that knows about mutants. To clear his head, Raphael jumps on his motorcycle and heads west on a solo road trip with the wind at his back and no destination in minduntil a dormant enemy out for revenge on the Turtles engineers a dangerous detour to Area 51. When Raphael is held hostage with some unexpected old friends, his soul-searching quest mutates into a crisis as he brawls in the desert to keep the E.P.F.'s cache of coveted technology out of the wrong hands. Will Raphael find his new purpose away from his brothersor just more trouble than he can handle alone? Tom Waltz, the TMNT mastermind and co-writer of TMNT: The Last Ronin, returns to tell brand-new stories about everyone's favorite anthropomorphic misfits with artist Vincenzo Federici. Plus, writer Erik Burnham presents a four-issue bonus backup: after the events of The Untold Destiny of the Foot Clan, can Casey Jones tolerate Karai's descent into ruthlessness, or will he turn his back on the Foot? The answer ripples into the upcoming action in Jason Aaron's TMNT! Each arc of Mutant Nation will feature two stories exploring different corners of the TMNT universe, easily accessible to casual fans but with ties connecting the ongoing series and Nightwatcher. Expect old favorites and new surprises!.

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