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Black White & Bloodshot #1 (of 4) (Cover D - Olivetti)

Black White & Bloodshot #1 (of 4) (Cover D - Olivetti)

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Enter the world of Bloodshot in this brand-new Black, White, and Blood anthology! Meet Bloodshot, the world's deadliest assassin! A super soldier engineered with Nanites, a versatile nanotechnology that allows Bloodshot to repair the damage inflicted on his body, change his appearance, and control machines. From the creative minds of some of the world's most renowned creators like Shintaro Kago, Brian Azzarello, Eduardo Risso, Ariel Olivetti, Kevin Van Hook, Marc Guggenheim, Tim Seeley, Danny Earls, Fernando Dagnino, David Baille, Timmy Heague, Luciano Saracino, Guillermo Fajardo, Joao Azeitona, Renato Guedes, Mico Suayan and many more! In this first issue, Bloodshot is put to the limit when scientists try to farm never-ending meat from his self-repairing body to stop hunger in the world. Experience Bloodshot's feelings as he confronts his demons in a deadly mission in the desert And what will happen when a serial killer interrupts his favorite new movie at the theater? Then, for the first time, the crossover nobody was asking for: it's Bloodshot versus... Mickey M? Each tale deeply explores Bloodshot's psyche, tackling themes of identity, justice, and sacrifice in a world saturated with black, white, and blood-red shades.

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