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Luchaverse #3 Catalyst (Cover C - Calzada)

Luchaverse #3 Catalyst (Cover C - Calzada)

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Cover by Puis Calzada, artist and graphic designer who is known for his horror art and work with American Mythology Productions, Cavity Colors, Fangoria, and 'Rise of Dracula' with Source Point Press. In the final installment of this chapter in the new shared Luchaverse, the world's most famous luchadores battle in the ring by day, and serve humanity as monster hunters and world protectors by night. In this series, Masked Republic Comics and Massive Publishing bring back the glory and tradition of real-life lucha libre stars in comic books, setting the stage for a new era filled with epic cross-genre action in a shared universe. In this issue Konnan leads 'The Ambassadors', a multi-national black ops organization tasked with keeping the citizens of the world calm by disproving conspiracy theories or covering up those that are something more. Their current mission involves investigating a new global criminal faction destroying Ambassador bases around the globe - bases that hold the unfathomable secret truths about Luchadores. And then, the Catalyst story event's epic conclusion sets into motion a dark new chapter for the Luchaverse! After the disappearance of the Lucha Brothers, a terrifying truth is uncovered by Solar, Super Astro and Konnan. Meanwhile, Tinieblas Jr. undertakes a dangerous new mission filled with unimaginable horrors and all bets are off as fates begin to intertwine!.

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