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Star Trek Starfleet Is HC

Star Trek Starfleet Is HC

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What is Starfleet? It is the universe's most famous and inspirational coalitions of all time. It has boldly gone where no pop culture franchise has gone before. It is the foundation for a thriving community of passionate fans. Creator Gene Roddenberry said Star Trek 'was an attempt to say that humanity will reach maturity and wisdom on the day that it begins not just to tolerate but take a special delight in differences in ideas and differences in life formsIf we cannot learn to actually enjoy those small differences, to take a positive delight in those small differences between our own kind, here on this planet, then we do not deserve to go out into space and meet the diversity that is almost certainly out there.' After more than 50 years, 11 television series, 13 movies, and countless fan conventions later, Star Trek fans of all ages continue to gather-in person or virtually-and enjoy, share, and live up to Roddenberry's optimistic vision of the future. Fully authorized and filled with full-color images spanning the entire canon, Star Trek: Starfleet is celebrates of Roddenberry's vision. This commemorative book highlights 50 of the key traits of the Star Trek universe and demonstrates, through memorable images and beautiful artwork, how these ideals are personified by everyone from Kirk and Spock, to Picard and Janeway, to Burnham and Mariner, and their voyages to everywhere from Earth to Vulcan, from Q'onoS to the Delta Quadrant, and even to the Mirror Universe and back in time-and how they are actively and sincerely lived by the Star Trek fans themselves. What is Starfleet? Starfleet is fun. Starfleet is not always logical. Starfleet is adventure. Starfleet is brave. Starfleet is compassion. Starfleet is diverse. Starfleet is evolving. And it is by sharing their passions, supporting one another through difficult times, celebrating one another's successes, and boldly going into a bright and hopeful future that Star Trek fans show that, above all, Starfleet is family. Starfleet is forever.

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