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Herculoids #1 (Cover F - Mattina Foil)

Herculoids #1 (Cover F - Mattina Foil)

Dynamite Entertainment
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Building on the success of the critically acclaimed and bestselling Space Ghost series, Dynamite Entertainment is proud to bring another beloved Hanna-Barbera classic to readers this February - The Herculoids! Hidden in the furthest reaches of space, the planet of Amzot is legendary for its fabled riches - and for the terrible fates that befall anybody who seeks to exploit them Those who survive their encounters tell blood-chilling tales of horrific, imposing monsters that guard the mysterious world - yet the lure of its abundant resources is too great to resist. Raiders and pirates continue to come from across the galaxy, and there is only one force strong enough to stop their constant attacks - The Herculoids! But as strong as these defenders are, a recent battle may have pushed Amzot to its limits - and awakened a sleeping darkness within the planet itself! Written by TOM SNIEGOSKI (Vampirella, Hellboy) and drawn by CRAIG ROUSSEAU (Batman Beyond, Gotham Adventures), The Herculoids #1 features a wealth of covers from some of the galaxy's most talented artists, including FRANCESCO MATTINA, JOSEPH MICHAEL LINSNER, BJORN BARENDS, FELIPE MASSAFERA, and the legendary creator of Hellboy, MIKE MIGNOLA!.

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