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Starbrand Nightmask Eternitys Children Attend Univ TPB

Starbrand Nightmask Eternitys Children Attend Univ TPB

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They're former Avengers with tremendous power, but almost zero life experience. Now, Starbrand and Nightmask are out on their own, trying to find their place as heroes, cosmic entities and...students? College - it's a whole new universe for this pair, posing more questions than their mid-term exam. Can two all-powerful friends share a tiny dorm room? How hard is intergalactic teleportation after partying all night long?And will they keep their grades up while putting bad guys down? Time to find out! But when Kevin and Adam try to get to freshman orientation, they instead end up trapped between Graviton, Nitro and Blizzard! Is someone else pulling these villains' cosmic strings? And when time comes for final evaluation, will Starbrand still exist to pass the test? School's in - time to get learning!Rated T+. ... Show More Show Less

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