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Shimano Stella SW C Spinning Reel - STLSW10000PGC

Shimano Stella SW C Spinning Reel - STLSW10000PGC

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The Shimano Stella SW C Spinning Reels are the latest edition to the legacy of Stella Spinning Reels that have led the fishing world in durability, power and operability. Shimano builds on that tradition with cutting edge technologies bringing further unmatched strength, reliability and ease of use to serious saltwater anglers. Featuring Shimano's signature HAGANE Body, Stella SW C boasts a highly rigid metal construction. This means exceptional impact resistance and less body flex under the pressure of heavy loads, keeping the internal gears and components properly aligned for continued flawless performance. At the heart of the reel, Shimano-proven HAGANE Gears are cold forged for lasting durability and smoothness. With the introduction of X-Ship in the 2013 Stella SWB, the Stella changed the way anglers look at targeting giant fish on spinning gear. This dual-bearing supported pinion gear system allowed for easier and smoother winding under enormous pressure, allowing anglers to use spinning reels to target bigger fish than ever before. While X-Ship has since become a standard feature among many Shimano reels, the 2019 Stella SW C features Shimano's new Infinity Drive Technology that offers an even further improved winding experience, optimizing winding torque by an additional 26%. Silent Drive further improves smoothness by eliminating worm shaft and drive gear play, along with any sound or clicking from all functional parts. For even better drag performance, Shimano's new Heat Sink Drag transfers heat away from the spool, reducing spool surface temperature by up to 100 degrees. Stella SW's IPX8 waterproof body along with X-Protect and X-Shield's water resistant construction in the line roller and roller bearing guard your investment against the harsh elements of a saltwater environment so you can fish with confidence. The Stella SW C is available in 10 different models that offer varying line capacities and gear ratios to cover a wide array of saltwater fishing techni. ... Show More Show Less

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1 Offer Price Range: $1,099.99 - $1,099.99

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