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Shimano Sedona FJ Spinning Reel - SEC5000XGFJC

Shimano Sedona FJ Spinning Reel - SEC5000XGFJC

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Leading the pack for a more affordable performance option in its class, the Shimano Sedona FJ Spinning Reels are a great option to outfit your arsenal with, whether you are a fresh or saltwater angler. Its range of models offer the capability to target trout and panfish at the local pond, all the way to light tackle inshore species such as striped bass, snook, redfish, sea trout and more. Cold foraged Hagane Gearing sits at the center of this reel, offering great durability and strength for the more intense battles. This gearing's durability offers great smoothness overtime, keeping much if not all the same characteristics many seasons over as it did right out of the box. Silent Drive technology now incorporated into the Sedona creates a more pleasurable and "silent" use on the water, with its total reconfiguring of its drive gear, worm shaft and other parts to take out the unnecessary vibrations and noise from the original design. Tolerances were improved to the micron level, developing this smoother and quieter configuration. Improving its balance when fitted to a rod, Shimano moved its center gravity under its G-Free body technology, ultimately reducing protentional fatigue when fishing all day. Hagane Gearing G-Free Body Silent Tune Propulsion Line Management.

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