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Shimano - TRX300AHG TranX Baitcasting Reel

Shimano - TRX300AHG TranX Baitcasting Reel

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The Shimano TRX300AHG Tran X Baitcasting Reel allows the angler to tackle anything that swims in freshwater or saltwater. X-Ship & HEG technologies combine to provide massive cranking power with a smooth effortless retrieve, perfect for throwing big baits and catching big fish. This reel features Shimano's new Core Protect water resistant technology for long lasting durability in harsh environments. New Coreprotect water resistance feature for dependable use in tough conditions HAGANE Body, X-Ship and HEG Gearing for big baits and big fish Higher gear ratio, higher drag rating and more line per crank Low gear model has a 102 mm double handle with oversized rubber knobs. HG model has a 70 mm single handle with a Ci4+ handle knob.

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