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Daiwa Lexa Baitcasting Reel - LX400L

Daiwa Lexa Baitcasting Reel - LX400L

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For the freshwater and saltwater angler throwing big baits or vertically fishing jigs and more, the Daiwa 2023 Lexa Baitcasting Reels are robustly built to take on the large predatory gamefish out there. Musky, double-digit largemouth, snook, redfish, striped bass and more are well suited this Lexa, with 22 to 25lbs of drag to stop those powerful fish. An aluminum frame and side plate mitigates any flex, maintaining the rigidity of its internal parts and solid in hand feel. Daiwa implemented their Magforce Cast Control, a tested and proven magnetic breaking system that easily allows the user to adjust settings on the fly, perfect for changing weather conditions and when constantly changing lures. Swept handles along with power or paddle EVA handle knobs deliver great comfort for all day turning. For the lunker hunter targeting big predatory fish, look no further than the Lexa to put the hammer down and make your day more enjoyable. Aluminum Frame and Sideplate Magforce Cast Control Ultimate Tournament Drag (UTD) Swept Handle with Weight Reducing Cutouts Infinite Anti-Reverse EVA Paddle Handle Knob (Select Models) EVA Power Handle Knob (Select Models).

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