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Daiwa Zillion SV TW Baitcasting Reel - ZLNSVG100L

Daiwa Zillion SV TW Baitcasting Reel - ZLNSVG100L

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Completely redesigned for 2021, the Daiwa Zillion SV TW Baitcasting Reels utilize the latest innovations to push the boundaries of baitcasting performance. This new Zillion SV TW is built around a brand new aluminum 100-sized frame that offers a significant upgrade in terms of comfort and ergonomics. Also new is the introduction of Daiwa's SV Booster System. SV Booster System provides the same controlled casting and backlash reduction at short and medium casting ranges that many anglers have come to rely on from the SV Concept, and now features a second stage that improves casting distance on those long bomb casts. To push the envelope in fluidity and winding power, Daiwa's new Hyper Drive Design concept takes a four-pronged approach that includes redesigned gearing for a smoother and more efficient transfer of power, along with enhanced support features to resist torque and preserve internal alignment. Familiar Daiwa technologies that anglers know and love such as the T-Wing Level Wind System and Air Brake System return to combine with these new innovations for a fishing experience that only superior Daiwa engineering can provide. Hyper Drive Design Technologies: Hyperdrive Digigear - a brand-new gear design makes the teeth of the gears more efficient at transferring power, therefore making the gear set feel smoother, more powerful and also reducing gear noise. Hyper Double Support- a two bearing support system for the reel's pinion gear means no flex and an ultra-smooth retrieve and gear rotation. Hyper Armed Housing - the reel features an aluminum frame and sideplate for maximum rigidity and precision performance of the internal components. Hyper Tough Clutch - a redesigned and reinforced clutch mechanism increases durability and performance. Daiwa Zillion SV TW Baitcasting Reel Features: SV Booster System Hyper Drive Design Aluminum Frame and Sideplate T-Wing System (TWS)34mm G-1 Duralumin SV Spool Air Brake System Ultimate Tournament Drag (UTD)90mm Swept Handle Audible C.

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