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Daiwa Exceler Spinning Reel - EXELT2000D

Daiwa Exceler Spinning Reel - EXELT2000D

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Offering great performance without breaking the bank, the Daiwa 2023 Exceler Spinning Reels are feature packed option with many innovative Daiwa reel technologies ready to excel on the water. Daiwa incorporated their Zaion V Body to house its internals, a super composite material Daiwa created that offers great rigidity and flex resistance with superior corrosion resistance over metal. Daiwa's Airdrive Rotor and solid Airdrive bail work together to reduce weight over the previous generation, ultimately providing a more effortless experience with every handle turn. A machined screw in handle eliminates side to side movement for a much more positive feel, keeping you concentrated for those lighter finesse bites. For the angler hitting the banks at your local pond, river and lake or even light inshore fishing, look for the Exceler to perform without hesitation against your favorite target species. Features: ZAION V Body Airdrive Rotor Airdrive Bail Tough Digigear Machined Aluminum Screw in Handle ATD Drag.

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