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Star Trek TPB Mirror War

Star Trek TPB Mirror War

IDW Publishing
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Return to the Mirror Universe of The Next Generation with Captain Jean-Luc Picard and the crew of the ISS Enterprise-D as they plot to reestablish their dominance.There is the reality you know. And, on another dimensional plane, there exists a dark, twisted reflection of that universe. So familiar, and yet so different. An Empire in place of a Federation, where profit and power take precedence over peace and exploration.As the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance rules, having overrun the Empire, destroying its fleet, and driving it back to Earth, rumors and propaganda spread throughout the Alpha Quadrant the news of the Empires final demise. Those rumors are, however, untrue. A handful of Imperial ships remain, intent on protecting Earth and whats left of the Empire. And commanding the newest and most powerful of those ships is a man equally intent on seeing it rise againCaptain Jean-Luc Picard.Witness the epic struggle that will shake the Mirror Universe to its core! Collects issues #18 of Star Trek: The Mirror War.

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