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Hercules #4 (Cover C - Tomaselli)

Hercules #4 (Cover C - Tomaselli)

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With three gods now missing, the atmosphere of Mount Olympus is turning grim. Down in the mortal realm, however, humanity can get along without the gods of love, war, and the forge - for a little while, at least. But all that is about to change when Apollo suddenly vanishes from his golden chariot in the sky - leaving a blazing midday sun that refuses to set! Now it's up to Hercules and Pegasus to get the sun moving again before Earth is burned to a crisp. This dramatic escalation stokes Herc's and Meg's suspicions that Hades is behind these divine disappearances - but the situation in the underworld may be more dire than even they suspect! Emmy Award-winning writer ELLIOTT KALAN (The Daily Show) and Gargoyles artist GEORGE KAMBADAIS turn up the heat under the world's favorite demigod with Hercules #4 - seasoned with covers from KAMBADAIS, MATTEO LOLLI, FRANCESCO TOMASELLI, and ALESSANDRO RANALDI! ALL COVERS CARDSTOCK.

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