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Daiwa Saltist Star Drag Conventional Reel - SALTIST15H

Daiwa Saltist Star Drag Conventional Reel - SALTIST15H

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The Daiwa Saltist Star Drag Conventional Reels are built from machined aluminum and anodized for maximum corrosion resistance making them sturdy and durable yet high performing. The 6 reels in the series will hold line classes from 12 to 40 lb. test mono and are strong enough for braid sizes up to 80 lb. The drag system can apply as much as 25 lbs. of pressure to the spool. The true freespool of this star drag system allows for longer casts under a variety of conditions and uninhibited spool payout is ideally suited for fishing live bait. The 6.4 to 1 gear ratio is fast enough for jigging, yet strong enough to put big fish on the deck. These reels are competitively priced for a high-performance reel. Daiwa Saltist Star Drag Conventional Reels Features: Maximum drag pressure from 17 to 25 pounds, well suited for braided line 6 reels designed to hold from 12 to 40 pound monofilament Built from machined aluminum with an anodized finish for greater corrosion resistance Extremely smooth freespool 4 stainless steel ball bearings and a roller bearing 6.4:1 gear ratio Centrifugal Braking System for control and longer casts.

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1 Offer Price Range: $269.99 - $269.99

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